Not a good year...

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It would seem a few days later I was expecting too much for my lettuce to survive, as they're now becoming limp and lifeless, still I have two pots on the go, but I may well lose those too in time.

It also seems to be a bad time for plants in general as this year seems ready to be even more catastrophic for plants than last year. Snow. In May! And according to the latest weather reports we can expect frost. Just in time then for my Strawberries, which I recently transplanted out into the soil. One thing that arrived today too were some Foxgloves I sent off for recently, which I hope will serve a practical purpose as well as an asthetic one. Foxgloves, or Digitalis attract bees like mad, which are vital if you want a crop of fruit, and hopefully they'll serve their purpose. With luck nothing will be dead in the morning.


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